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Ethernet Thermostats

Do I need to port forward my thermostats?

You will only need to port forward your thermostats if you are going to try to access them from outside the LAN and want to communicate directly with them. If you are unfamiliar with how to do port forwarding you can go to for step-by-step instructions.  If you cannot find instructions on for your router refer to the user's manual or another online source for instructions. If you are planning to use the CloudConnect service you do not need to port forward your devices to access them from outside the LAN via the cloud service.

Backplate LEDs are on but the faceplate is not powering on. What could be causing this?

Check the power supply to ensure the thermostat is getting the proper voltage (about 24 volts).  The red wire from the backplate and the red wire from the thermostat cable must both be in the R terminal.  The black wire from the backplate and the common (color varies) wire from the thermostat cable must both be in the 24V(c) terminal. 

How do I prevent my thermostats from accessing the cloud?

In your web browser address bar enter the thermostat IP address followed by “/configcc.htm”.  Clear the text boxes following “Server” and “Port”, then set the value in the box following “Interval” to 0.  Press the “Update” button on the bottom of the menu and the values will save.

I cannot connect to the cloud service, what should I do?

Make sure that you have set up an account and that it is not expired. Make sure you are entering the correct email and password. If you cannot remember your password hit the "forgot password" button on the login page. If you have confirmed that the login credentials are correct, contact support and let them know you are having an issue.

Why am I getting a message in the IP-Command Center, when I try to set schedules, that says I am outside my heat and cool parameters?

First, check to make sure that your scheduled setpoints are within the min/max cooling and heating setpoints on the configuration page.  If this is correct then check your inactive schedules to make sure they are within the min/max cooling and heating parameters.  Even if the schedules are inactive, it could cause an issue if the parameters are outside the min/max setpoints.   

I am getting very low temperature readings from my thermostat but it is incorrect. What could be the cause?

This could be for either of two reasons.  If the thermostat is being used on a Fahrenheit scale, the Up and Down buttons may have accidentally been pressed at the same time, which changes the display to Celsius mode.  To correct this, press and release the Up and Down buttons simultaneously again.  Another reason could be that the temperature sensor has been bent.  Pull off the faceplate and check the thermistor to see if it is damaged or bent over.  The thermistor is a little device sticking up in the bottom right of the circuit board, it will be either blue or black.  Make sure it is not damaged and is standing up straight off the circuit board.

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